Sunday, February 13, 2011

I hope you all enjoyed my guest post on Good to Begin Well; Better to End Well. I thought it was of extreme interest! If you didn't enjoy it, go do so right now! There will be more to follow in that line.

Well then!! Today is my first MTNA Theory Test. I have only one student taking it but that is a start!!! It also helps that I am completely unworried about how she is going to do on the test. She has pretty much aced every practice test I have given her. But everyone keep their fingers crossed anyway. I know I am also supposed to be monitoring another exam about which I know NOTHING until I get there. No pressure.

Things coming up this week:

1) A compare and contrast article about all of the different keyboard instruments (THROUGHOUT HISTORY) ... That makes it epic.

2) Some new Quilt commissions

3) Some character designs for a children's book that my fiance and I are going to work on. (If I have time)

Stay tuned :)

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